Source code for rkviewer.forms

"""All sorts of form widgets, mainly those used in EditPanel.
# from __future__ import annotations
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
import wx
from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel
from abc import abstractmethod
import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, cast
from .config import get_theme, get_setting, Color
from .events import (DidModifyCompartmentsEvent, DidModifyNodesEvent, DidModifyReactionEvent,
                     DidMoveCompartmentsEvent, DidMoveNodesEvent, DidMoveReactionCenterEvent, DidResizeCompartmentsEvent,
                     DidResizeNodesEvent, post_event)
from .mvc import IController, ModifierTipStyle
from .utils import change_opacity, gchain, no_rzeros, on_msw, resource_path
from .canvas.canvas import Canvas, Node
from import ChoiceItem, Compartment, FONT_FAMILY_CHOICES, FONT_STYLE_CHOICES, FONT_WEIGHT_CHOICES, Reaction, TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CHOICES, LinePrim, PolygonPrim, Primitive, compute_centroid
from .canvas.geometry import Rect, Vec2, clamp_rect_pos, clamp_rect_size, get_bounding_rect
from .canvas.utils import get_nodes_by_idx, get_rxns_by_idx
from import CirclePrim, RectanglePrim, CompositeShape

ColorCallback = Callable[[wx.Colour], None]
FloatCallback = Callable[[float], None]

[docs]def GetMultiEnum(entries: List[Any], fallback): """Similar to _GetMultiColor, but for enums. Need to specify a fallback value in case the entries are different. """ entries_set = set(entries) if len(entries_set) == 1: return next(iter(entries_set)) else: return fallback
[docs]def GetMultiFloatText(values: Set[float], precision: int) -> str: """Returns the common float value if the set has only one element, otherwise return "?". See _GetMultiColor for more detail. """ return no_rzeros(next(iter(values)), precision) if len(values) == 1 else '?'
[docs]def GetMultiInt(values: Set[int]) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the common float value if the set has only one element, otherwise return "?". See _GetMultiColor for more detail. """ return next(iter(values)) if len(values) == 1 else None
[docs]def GetMultiColor(colors: List[wx.Colour]) -> Tuple[wx.Colour, Optional[int]]: """Helper method for producing one single color from a list of colors. Editing programs that allows selection of multiple entities usually support editing all of the selected entities at once. When a property of all the selected entities are the same, the displayed value of that property is that single value precisely. However, if they are not the same, usually a "null" or default value is shown on the form. Following this scheme, this helper returns the common color/alpha if all values are the same, or a default value if not. Note: On Windows the RGB and the alpha are treated as different fields due to the lack of alpha field in the color picker screen. Therefore, the RGB and the alpha fields are considered different fields as far as uniqueness is considered. """ if on_msw(): rgbset = set(c.GetRGB() for c in colors) rgb = copy.copy(wx.Colour(127, 127, 127)) if len(rgbset) == 1: rgb.SetRGB(next(iter(rgbset))) alphaset = set(c.Alpha() for c in colors) alpha = next(iter(alphaset)) if len(alphaset) == 1 else None return rgb, alpha else: rgbaset = set(c.GetRGBA() for c in colors) rgba = copy.copy(wx.Colour(127, 127, 127)) if len(rgbaset) == 1: rgba.SetRGBA(next(iter(rgbaset))) return rgba, None
[docs]def AlphaToText(alpha: Optional[int], prec: int) -> str: """Simple helper for converting an alpha value ~[0, 255] to the range [0, 1]. Args: alpha: The alpha value in range 0-255. If None, "?" will be returned. precision: The precision of the float string returned. """ if alpha is None: return '?' else: return no_rzeros(alpha / 255, prec)
def _SetBestInsertion(ctrl: wx.TextCtrl, orig_text: str, orig_insertion: int): """Set the most natural insertion point for a paired-number text control. The format of the text control must be "X,Y" where X, Y are numbers, allowing whitespace. This should be called after the text control is autoly changed by View during user's editing. Normally if the text changes the caret will be reset to the 0th position, but this calculates a smarter position to place the caret to produce a more natural behavior. Args: ctrl: The text control, whose value is already programmatically changed. orig_text: The value of the text control before it was changed. orig_insertion: The original caret position from GetInsertionPoint(). """ new_text = ctrl.GetValue() try: mid = orig_text.index(',') except ValueError: # can't find comma; directly return return if orig_insertion > mid: ctrl.SetInsertionPoint(len(new_text)) else: tokens = new_text.split(',') assert len(tokens) == 2 left = tokens[0].strip() lstart = new_text.index(left) lend = lstart + len(left) ctrl.SetInsertionPoint(lend)
[docs]def ChangePairValue(ctrl: wx.TextCtrl, new_val: Vec2, prec: int): """Helper for updating the value of a paired number TextCtrl. The TextCtrl accepts text in the format "X, Y" where X and Y are floats. The control is not updated if the new and old values are identical (considering precision). Args: ctrl: The TextCtrl widget. new_val: The new pair of floats to update the control with. prec: The precision of the numbers. The new value is rounded to this precision. """ old_text = ctrl.GetValue() old_val = Vec2(parse_num_pair(old_text)) # round old_val to desired precision. We don't want to refresh value when user is typing, # even if their value exceeded our precision if old_val != new_val: if ctrl.HasFocus(): orig_insertion = ctrl.GetInsertionPoint() wx.CallAfter( lambda: _SetBestInsertion(ctrl, old_text, orig_insertion)) ctrl.ChangeValue('{} , {}'.format( no_rzeros(new_val.x, prec), no_rzeros(new_val.y, prec)))
[docs]def parse_num_pair(text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: """Parse a pair of floats from a string with form "X,Y" and return a tuple. Returns None if failed to parse. """ nums = text.split(",") if len(nums) != 2: return None xstr, ystr = nums x = None y = None try: x = float(xstr) y = float(ystr) except ValueError: return None return (x, y)
[docs]def parse_precisions(text: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Given a string in format 'X, Y' of floats, return the decimal precisions of X and Y.""" nums = text.split(",") assert len(nums) == 2 xstr = nums[0].strip() ystr = nums[1].strip() x_prec = None try: x_prec = len(xstr) - xstr.index('.') - 1 except ValueError: x_prec = 0 y_prec = None try: y_prec = len(xstr) - ystr.index('.') - 1 except ValueError: y_prec = 0 return (x_prec, y_prec)
[docs]class FieldGrid(wx.Window): def __init__(self, parent, form: 'EditPanelForm'): super().__init__(parent) self.SetForegroundColour(get_theme('toolbar_fg')) self.SetBackgroundColour(get_theme('toolbar_bg')) self.form = form self.labels = dict() self.badges = dict() self._label_font = wx.Font(wx.FontInfo().Bold()) info_image = wx.Image(resource_path('info-2-16.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) self._info_bitmap = wx.Bitmap(info_image) self._info_length = 16 sizer = self.InitAndGetSizer() self.SetSizer(sizer)
[docs] def InitAndGetSizer(self) -> wx.GridSizer: VGAP = 8 HGAP = 5 MORE_LEFT_PADDING = 0 # Left padding in addition to vgap MORE_TOP_PADDING = 2 # Top padding in addition to hgap MORE_RIGHT_PADDING = 0 sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(vgap=VGAP, hgap=HGAP) # Set paddings # Add spacer of width w on the 0th column; add spacer of height h on the 0th row. # This results in a left padding of w + hgap and a top padding of h + vgap sizer.Add(MORE_LEFT_PADDING, MORE_TOP_PADDING, wx.GBPosition(0, 0), wx.GBSpan(1, 1)) # Add spacer on column 3 to reserve space for info badge sizer.Add(self._info_length, 0, wx.GBPosition(0, 3), wx.GBSpan(1, 1)) # Add spacer of width 5 on the 3rd column. This results in a right padding of 5 + hgap sizer.Add(MORE_RIGHT_PADDING, 0, wx.GBPosition(0, 4), wx.GBSpan(1, 1)) # Ensure the input field takes up some percentage of width # Note that we might want to adjust this when scrollbars are displayed, but only in case # there is not enough width to display everything width = self.GetSize()[0] right_width = (width - VGAP * 3 - MORE_LEFT_PADDING - MORE_RIGHT_PADDING - self._info_length) * 0.7 sizer.Add(int(right_width), 0, wx.GBPosition(0, 2), wx.GBSpan(1, 1)) sizer.AddGrowableCol(0, 3) sizer.AddGrowableCol(1, 7) return sizer
[docs] def AppendControl(self, label_str: str, ctrl: wx.Control): """Append a control, its label, and its info badge to the last row of the sizer. Returns the automaticaly created label and info badge (wx.StaticText for now). """ sizer = self.GetSizer() label = wx.StaticText(self, label=label_str) label.SetFont(self._label_font) rows = sizer.GetRows() sizer.Add(label, wx.GBPosition(rows, 1), wx.GBSpan(1, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) sizer.Add(ctrl, wx.GBPosition(rows, 2), wx.GBSpan(1, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(0, self._info_length, wx.GBPosition(rows, 4), wx.GBSpan(1, 1)) info_badge = wx.StaticBitmap(self, bitmap=self._info_bitmap) info_badge.Show(False) sizer.Add(info_badge, wx.GBPosition(rows, 3), wx.GBSpan(1, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.labels[ctrl.GetId()] = label self.badges[ctrl.GetId()] = info_badge
[docs] def AppendSpacer(self, height: int, sizer=None): """Append a horizontal spacer with the given height. Note: The VGAP value still applies, i.e. there is an additional gap between the spacer and the next row. """ if sizer is None: sizer = self.GetSizer() rows = sizer.GetRows() sizer.Add(0, height, wx.GBPosition(rows, 0), wx.GBSpan(1, 5))
[docs] def AppendLine(self): """Append a horizontal spacer with the given height. Note: The VGAP value still applies, i.e. there is an additional gap between the spacer and the next row. """ sizer = self.GetSizer() rows = sizer.GetRows() line = wx.StaticLine(self) sizer.Add(line, wx.GBPosition(rows, 0), wx.GBSpan(1, 5))
[docs] def AppendSubtitle(self, text: str, add_spacers: bool = True) -> wx.StaticText: sizer = self.GetSizer() if add_spacers: self.AppendSpacer(3) sizer.Add(0, 0, wx.GBPosition(sizer.GetRows(), 0)) statictext = wx.StaticText(self, label=text) font = wx.Font(wx.FontInfo(9)) statictext.SetFont(font) sizer.Add(statictext, wx.GBPosition(sizer.GetRows(), 0), wx.GBSpan(1, 5), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) if add_spacers: self.AppendSpacer(0) return statictext
[docs] def SetValidationState(self, good: bool, ctrl_id: str, message: str = ""): """Set the validation state for a control. Args: good: Whether the control is currently valid. ctrl_id: The ID of the control. message: The message displayed, if the control is not valid. """ # self.Freeze() badge = self.badges[ctrl_id] if good: badge.Show(False) else: badge.Show(True) badge.SetToolTip(message) self.Layout()
# self.Thaw()
[docs] def CreateTextCtrl(self, **kwargs): """Create a text control that confirms to the theme.""" if get_theme('text_field_border'): style = 0 else: style = wx.BORDER_NONE ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=style, **kwargs) ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(get_theme('text_field_bg')) ctrl.SetForegroundColour(get_theme('text_field_fg')) return ctrl
[docs] def CreateSpinCtrl(self, **kwargs): """Create a text control that confirms to the theme.""" if get_theme('text_field_border'): style = 0 else: style = wx.BORDER_NONE ctrl = wx.SpinCtrl(self, style=style, **kwargs) ctrl.SetBackgroundColour(get_theme('text_field_bg')) ctrl.SetForegroundColour(get_theme('text_field_fg')) return ctrl
[docs] def CreateColorControl(self, label: str, alpha_label: str, color_callback: ColorCallback, alpha_callback: FloatCallback, alpha_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 1), placeholder: wx.Colour = wx.Colour(127, 127, 127), placeholder_alpha=None) \ -> Tuple[wx.ColourPickerCtrl, Optional[wx.TextCtrl]]: """Helper method for creating a color control and adding it to the form. Args: label: The label text for the color control. alpha_label: The label text for the alpha control. Relevant only on Windows. color_callback: Callback called when the color changes. alpha_callback: Callback called when the alpha changes. Relevant only on Windows. sizer: The sizer to which widgets should be added. alpha_range: The inclusive range for the alpha value. Returns: A tuple of the color control and the alpha control. """ # Update placeholder to include alpha if placeholder_alpha: placeholder = wx.Colour(placeholder.Red(), placeholder.Green(), placeholder.Blue(), placeholder_alpha) ctrl = wx.ColourPickerCtrl(self) ctrl.SetColour(placeholder) ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_COLOURPICKER_CHANGED, lambda e: color_callback(e.GetColour())) self.AppendControl(label, ctrl) alpha_ctrl = None if on_msw(): # Windows does not support picking alpha in color picker. So we add an additional # field for that alpha_text = AlphaToText(placeholder_alpha, 2) alpha_ctrl = self.CreateTextCtrl(value=alpha_text) self.AppendControl(alpha_label, alpha_ctrl) callback = self.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(alpha_ctrl.GetId(), alpha_callback, alpha_range) alpha_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, callback) return ctrl, alpha_ctrl
[docs] def MakeFloatCtrlFunction(self, ctrl_id: str, callback: FloatCallback, range_: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], left_incl: bool = True, right_incl: bool = True): """Helper method that creates a validation function for a TextCtrl that only allows floats. Args: ctrl_id: ID of the TextCtrl, for which this validation function is created. callback: Callback for when the float is changed and passes the validation tests. range_: Inclusive range for the allowed floats. Returns: The validation function. """ lo, hi = range_ def float_ctrl_fn(evt): text = evt.GetString() value: float try: value = float(text) except ValueError: self.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "Value must be a number") return good = True if left_incl: if lo is not None and value < lo: good = False else: if lo is not None and value <= lo: good = False if right_incl: if hi is not None and value > hi: good = False else: if hi is not None and value >= hi: good = False if not good: err_msg: str if lo is not None and hi is not None: left = '[' if left_incl else '(' right = ']' if right_incl else ')' err_msg = "Value must be in range {}{}, {}{}".format(left, lo, hi, right) else: if lo is not None: incl_text = 'or equal to ' if left_incl else '' err_msg = "Value must greater than {}{}".format(incl_text, lo) else: incl_text = 'or equal to' if right_incl else '' err_msg = "Value must less than {} {}".format(incl_text, hi) self.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, err_msg) return callback(value) self.SetValidationState(True, ctrl_id) return float_ctrl_fn
[docs]class PrimitiveGrid(FieldGrid): form: 'NodeForm' def __init__(self, parent, form: 'NodeForm'): super().__init__(parent, form) self.update_callbacks = list()
[docs] def UpdateValues(self, nodes): '''Update the values in the primitive fields. Requires: The FieldGrid contains the up-to-date field widgets for the given composite shape. ''' for callback in self.update_callbacks: callback(nodes)
[docs] def ColorPrimitiveControl(self, label: str, alpha_label: str, prop_name: str, prim_index: int): '''Create a control for a color property. If prim_index is -1, then update the text primitive instead. ''' def color_callback(value: wx.Colour): node_indices = self.form.selected_idx nodes = self.form.selected_nodes prims = self._GetPrimitives(nodes, prim_index) old_colors = [getattr(p, prop_name).to_wxcolour() for p in prims] self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): for i, nodei in enumerate(node_indices): # only update the RGB, not alpha old_color = old_colors[i] new_color = Color(value.Red(), value.Green(), value.Blue(), old_color.Alpha()) self.form.controller.set_node_primitive_property(self.form.net_index, nodei, prim_index, prop_name, new_color) def alpha_callback(value: float): node_indices = self.form.selected_idx prims = self._GetPrimitives(self.form.selected_nodes, prim_index) old_colors = [getattr(p, prop_name).to_wxcolour() for p in prims] self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): for i, nodei in enumerate(node_indices): old_color = old_colors[i] new_color = Color(old_color.Red(), old_color.Green(), old_color.Blue(), int(255 * value)) self.form.controller.set_node_primitive_property(self.form.net_index, nodei, prim_index, prop_name, new_color) ctrl, alpha_ctrl = self.CreateColorControl(label, alpha_label, color_callback, alpha_callback) # callback for when the canvs is upated by user input def update_cb(nodes: List[Node]): prims = self._GetPrimitives(nodes, prim_index) old_colors = [getattr(p, prop_name).to_wxcolour() for p in prims] color_union, alpha_union = GetMultiColor(old_colors) self.form.self_changes = True ctrl.SetColour(color_union) if alpha_ctrl: alpha_ctrl.ChangeValue(AlphaToText(alpha_union, 2)) self.update_callbacks.append(update_cb)
[docs] def FloatPrimitiveControl(self, label: str, prop_name: str, prim_index: int): '''Create a control for a floating point property. If prim_index is -1, then update the text primitive instead. ''' def callback(value: float): node_indices = self.form.selected_idx self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): for nodei in node_indices: # only update the RGB, not alpha self.form.controller.set_node_primitive_property(self.form.net_index, nodei, prim_index, prop_name, value) # TODO update values not here text_ctrl = self.CreateTextCtrl() outer_callback = self.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(text_ctrl.GetId(), callback, (0, None), left_incl=False) text_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, outer_callback) self.AppendControl(label, text_ctrl) def update_cb(nodes: List[Node]): prims = self._GetPrimitives(nodes, prim_index) old_values = [getattr(p, prop_name) for p in prims] update_value = GetMultiFloatText(set(old_values), 2) text_ctrl.ChangeValue(update_value) self.update_callbacks.append(update_cb)
[docs] def IntPrimitiveControl(self, label: str, prop_name: str, prim_index: int, min_=0, max_=100): '''Create a control for a floating point property. If prim_index is -1, then update the text primitive instead. ''' def spin_callback(value: int): node_indices = self.form.selected_idx self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): for nodei in node_indices: # only update the RGB, not alpha self.form.controller.set_node_primitive_property(self.form.net_index, nodei, prim_index, prop_name, value) def text_callback(value: str): if value: spin_callback(int(value)) int_ctrl = self.CreateSpinCtrl(min=min_, max=max_) int_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, lambda e: spin_callback(e.GetInt())) int_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, lambda e: text_callback(e.GetString())) self.AppendControl(label, int_ctrl) def update_cb(nodes: List[Node]): prims = self._GetPrimitives(self.form.selected_nodes, prim_index) old_values = [getattr(p, prop_name) for p in prims] updated_value = GetMultiInt(set(old_values)) or 0 int_ctrl.SetValue(updated_value) self.update_callbacks.append(update_cb)
[docs] def ChoicePrimitiveControl(self, label: str, prop_name: str, prim_index: int, choice_items: List[ChoiceItem]): # TODO set original value def callback(e): node_indices = self.form.selected_idx index = e.GetInt() value = choice_items[index].value self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): for nodei in node_indices: self.form.controller.set_node_primitive_property(self.form.net_index, nodei, prim_index, prop_name, value) texts = [item.text for item in choice_items] choice_ctrl = wx.Choice(self, choices=texts) choice_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, callback) self.AppendControl(label, choice_ctrl) def update_cb(nodes): prims = self._GetPrimitives(nodes, prim_index) old_values = set(getattr(prim, prop_name) for prim in prims) # Set commonly selected item if len(old_values) == 1: # Find choice item with given value sel_ind = None old_value = next(iter(old_values)) for index, item in enumerate(choice_items): if item.value == old_value: sel_ind = index break else: assert False, "This should never happen" choice_ctrl.SetSelection(sel_ind) else: # Different values; set dropdown to none choice_ctrl.SetSelection(wx.NOT_FOUND) self.update_callbacks.append(update_cb)
def _GetPrimitives(self, nodes, prim_index): if prim_index == -1: return [n.composite_shape.text_item[0] for n in nodes] return [n.composite_shape.items[prim_index][0] for n in nodes]
[docs]class PrimitiveSection(wx.Window): subsections: List[PrimitiveGrid] def __init__(self, node_form: 'NodeForm', com_shape: CompositeShape): super().__init__(node_form) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizerflags = wx.SizerFlags().Expand() self.update_callbacks = list() self.form = node_form self.subsections = list() # self._primitives_heading = self.main_section.AppendSubtitle('Shape properties') # self.main_section.AppendSpacer(0) # node_indices = [n.index for n in nodes] for prim_index in range(len(com_shape.items)): # primitives = [cs.items[prim_index][0] for cs in com_shapes] one_prim = com_shape.items[prim_index][0] subtitle_text = '{name} ({idx})'.format(idx=prim_index + 1, subsection = PrimitiveGrid(self, node_form) self.subsections.append(subsection) subsection.AppendSubtitle(subtitle_text) if isinstance(one_prim, RectanglePrim): subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('fill color', 'fill opacity', 'fill_color', prim_index) subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('border color', 'border opacity', 'border_color', prim_index) subsection.FloatPrimitiveControl('border width', 'border_width', prim_index) subsection.FloatPrimitiveControl('corner radius', 'corner_radius', prim_index) elif isinstance(one_prim, LinePrim): subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('line color', 'line opacity', 'border_color', prim_index) subsection.FloatPrimitiveControl('line width', 'border_width', prim_index) elif isinstance(one_prim, CirclePrim) or isinstance(one_prim, PolygonPrim): subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('fill color', 'fill opacity', 'fill_color', prim_index) subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('border color', 'border opacity', 'border_color', prim_index) subsection.FloatPrimitiveControl('border width', 'border_width', prim_index) subtitle_text = 'Text' subsection = PrimitiveGrid(self, node_form) self.subsections.append(subsection) subsection.AppendSubtitle(subtitle_text) # Create text primitive subsection.IntPrimitiveControl('font size', 'font_size', -1, min_=1, max_=100) subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('font color', 'font opacity', 'font_color', -1) subsection.ColorPrimitiveControl('highlight color', 'highlight opacity', 'bg_color', -1) subsection.ChoicePrimitiveControl('font family', 'font_family', -1, FONT_FAMILY_CHOICES) subsection.ChoicePrimitiveControl('font style', 'font_style', -1, FONT_STYLE_CHOICES) subsection.ChoicePrimitiveControl('font weight', 'font_weight', -1, FONT_WEIGHT_CHOICES) subsection.ChoicePrimitiveControl('alignment', 'alignment', -1, TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CHOICES) for subsection in self.subsections: sizer.Add(subsection, sizerflags) self.SetSizer(sizer)
[docs] def UpdatePrimitiveValues(self): selected_nodes = self.form.selected_nodes for subsection in self.subsections: subsection.UpdateValues(selected_nodes)
[docs]class EditPanelForm(ScrolledPanel): """Base class for a form to be displayed on the edit panel. Attributes: ColorCallback: Callback type for when a color input is changed. FloatCallback: Callback type for when a float input is changed. canvas: The associated canvas. controller: The associated controller. net_index: The current network index. For now it is 0 since there is only one tab. """ canvas: Canvas controller: IController net_index: int labels: Dict[str, wx.Window] badges: Dict[str, wx.Window] sections: List[FieldGrid] _label_font: wx.Font #: font for the form input label. _info_bitmap: wx.Bitmap # : bitmap for the info badge (icon), for when an input is invalid. _info_length: int #: length of the square reserved for _info_bitmap _title: wx.StaticText #: title of the form self_changes: bool #: flag for if edits were made but the controller hasn't updated the view yet def __init__(self, parent, canvas: Canvas, controller: IController): super().__init__(parent, style=wx.VSCROLL) self.SetForegroundColour(get_theme('toolbar_fg')) self.SetBackgroundColour(get_theme('toolbar_bg')) self.canvas = canvas self.controller = controller self.net_index = 0 self._title = wx.StaticText(self, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) # only displayed when node(s) are selected title_font = wx.Font(wx.FontInfo(10)) self._title.SetFont(title_font) self.self_changes = False self._selected_idx = set() # OVerride the ScrolledPanel behavior of jumping to the child that has the focus
[docs] def OnChildFocus(self, evt): pass
@property def selected_idx(self): return self._selected_idx
[docs] def CreateChildren(self): sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizerflags = wx.SizerFlags().Expand() sizer.Add(self._title, sizerflags.Border(wx.BOTTOM, 5)) sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self), sizerflags) for section in self.sections: sizer.Add(section, sizerflags) self.CreateControls() self.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetupScrolling()
[docs] @abstractmethod def UpdateAllFields(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def CreateControls(self): pass
[docs] def ExternalUpdate(self): if len(self._selected_idx) != 0 and not self.self_changes: self.UpdateAllFields() # clear validation errors # TODO for section in self.sections: for id in section.badges.keys(): section.SetValidationState(True, id) self.self_changes = False
[docs]class NodeForm(EditPanelForm): """Form for editing one or multiple nodes. Attributes: """ contiguous: bool id_ctrl: wx.TextCtrl pos_ctrl: wx.TextCtrl size_ctrl: wx.TextCtrl nodeStatusDropDown: wx.Choice compositeShapesDropDown: wx.Choice lockNodeCheckBox: wx.CheckBox _nodes: List[Node] #: current list of nodes in canvas. _selected_idx: Set[int] #: current list of selected indices in canvas. _bounding_rect: Optional[Rect] #: the exact bounding rectangle of the selected nodes def __init__(self, parent, canvas: Canvas, controller: IController): super().__init__(parent, canvas, controller) self.all_nodes = list() self.main_section = FieldGrid(self, self) self.sections = [self.main_section] self._bounding_rect = None # No padding # boolean to indicate whether only nodes are selected, and only nodes from the same # compartment are selected self.contiguous = True self.last_prim_section = None self.prim_section_cache = dict() self.CreateChildren() @property def selected_nodes(self): return [n for n in self.all_nodes if n.index in self.selected_idx]
[docs] def UpdateNodes(self, nodes: List[Node]): """Function called after the list of nodes have been updated.""" self.all_nodes = nodes self._UpdateBoundingRect() self.ExternalUpdate()
[docs] def NodesMovedOrResized(self, evt): """Called when nodes are moved or resized by dragging""" if not evt.dragged: return # Possibly no nodes are selected because they are moved along with the compartments if len(self._selected_idx) != 0: self._UpdateBoundingRect() prec = 2 ChangePairValue(self.pos_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.position, prec) ChangePairValue(self.size_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.size, prec)
def _UpdateBoundingRect(self): """Update bounding rectangle; mixed indicates whether both nodes and comps are selected. """ rects = [n.rect for n in self.all_nodes if n.index in self._selected_idx] # It could be that compartments have been updated but selected indices have not. # In that case rects can be empty if len(rects) != 0: self._bounding_rect = get_bounding_rect(rects)
[docs] def UpdateSelection(self, selected_idx: Set[int], comps_selected: bool): """Function called after the list of selected nodes have been updated.""" self._selected_idx = selected_idx if len(selected_idx) != 0: self._UpdateBoundingRect() if comps_selected: self.contiguous = False else: nodes = self.selected_nodes self.contiguous = len(set(n.comp_idx for n in nodes)) <= 1 if len(self._selected_idx) != 0: # clear position value self.pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('') self.UpdateAllFields() title_label = 'Edit Node' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'Edit Multiple Nodes' self._title.SetLabel(title_label) id_text = 'identifier' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'identifiers' self.main_section.labels[self.id_ctrl.GetId()].SetLabel(id_text) size_text = 'size' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'total span' self.main_section.labels[self.size_ctrl.GetId()].SetLabel(size_text) self.ExternalUpdate()
[docs] def CreateControls(self): self.id_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.id_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnIdText) self.main_section.AppendControl('identifier', self.id_ctrl) self.pos_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.pos_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnPosText) self.main_section.AppendControl('position', self.pos_ctrl) self.size_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.size_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnSizeText) self.main_section.AppendControl('size', self.size_ctrl) self.nodeStates = ['Floating Node', 'Boundary Node'] self.nodeStatusDropDown = wx.Choice(self.main_section, choices=self.nodeStates) self.main_section.AppendControl('node status', self.nodeStatusDropDown) self.nodeStatusDropDown.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnNodeStatusChoice) self.lockNodeCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self.main_section, label='') self.main_section.AppendControl('lock node', self.lockNodeCheckBox) self.lockNodeCheckBox.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnNodeLockCheckBox) self.compShapeNames = [ for x in self.controller.get_composite_shape_list(self.net_index)] self.compositeShapesDropDown = wx.Choice(self.main_section, choices=self.compShapeNames) self.main_section.AppendControl('shape', self.compositeShapesDropDown) self.compositeShapesDropDown.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnCompositeShapes)
def _OnIdText(self, evt): """Callback for the ID control.""" new_id = evt.GetString() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1 [nodei] = self._selected_idx ctrl_id = self.id_ctrl.GetId() if len(new_id) == 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "ID cannot be empty") return else: for node in self.all_nodes: if == new_id: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "Not saved: Duplicate ID") return else: # loop terminated fine. There is no duplicate ID self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): self.controller.rename_node(self.net_index, nodei, new_id) post_event(DidModifyNodesEvent([nodei])) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, self.id_ctrl.GetId()) def _OnPosText(self, evt): """Callback for the position control.""" assert self.contiguous text = evt.GetString() xy = parse_num_pair(text) ctrl_id = self.pos_ctrl.GetId() if xy is None: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, 'Should be in the form "X, Y"') return pos = Vec2(xy) if pos.x < 0 or pos.y < 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState( False, ctrl_id, 'Position coordinates should be non-negative') return nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) # limit position to within the compartment compi = nodes[0].comp_idx if compi == -1: bounds = Rect(Vec2(), self.canvas.realsize) else: comp = self.canvas.comp_idx_map[compi] bounds = Rect(comp.position, comp.size) clamped = None index_list = list(self._selected_idx) if len(nodes) == 1: [node] = nodes clamped = clamp_rect_pos(Rect(pos, node.size), bounds) if node.position != clamped or pos != clamped: self.self_changes = True node.position = clamped with self.controller.group_action(): post_event(DidMoveNodesEvent(index_list, clamped - node.position, dragged=False)) self.controller.move_node(self.net_index, node.index, node.position) else: clamped = clamp_rect_pos(Rect(pos, self._bounding_rect.size), bounds) if self._bounding_rect.position != pos or pos != clamped: offset = clamped - self._bounding_rect.position self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for node in nodes: node.position += offset post_event(DidMoveNodesEvent(index_list, offset, dragged=False)) for node in nodes: self.controller.move_node(self.net_index, node.index, node.position) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, self.pos_ctrl.GetId()) def _OnSizeText(self, evt): """Callback for the size control.""" assert self.contiguous ctrl_id = self.size_ctrl.GetId() text = evt.GetString() wh = parse_num_pair(text) if wh is None: self.main_section.SetValidationState( False, ctrl_id, 'Should be in the form "width, height"') return nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) min_width = get_setting('min_node_width') min_height = get_setting('min_node_height') size = Vec2(wh) # limit size to be smaller than the compartment compi = nodes[0].comp_idx bounds: Rect if compi == -1: bounds = Rect(Vec2(), self.canvas.realsize) else: comp = self.canvas.comp_idx_map[compi] bounds = comp.rect min_nw = min(n.size.x for n in nodes) min_nh = min(n.size.y for n in nodes) min_ratio = Vec2(min_width / min_nw, min_height / min_nh) min_size = self._bounding_rect.size.elem_mul(min_ratio) if size.x < min_size.x or size.y < min_size.y: message = 'The size of {} needs to be at least ({}, {})'.format( 'bounding box' if len(nodes) > 1 else 'node', no_rzeros(min_size.x, 2), no_rzeros(min_size.y, 2)) self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, message) return # if size.x > max_size.x or size.y > max_size.y: # message = 'The size of bounding box cannot exceed ({}, {})'.format( # no_rzeros(max_size.x, 2), no_rzeros(max_size.y, 2)) # self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, message) # return # NOTE clamp max size automatically rather than show error clamped = size.reduce2(min, bounds.size) if self._bounding_rect.size != clamped or size != clamped: ratio = clamped.elem_div(self._bounding_rect.size) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): offsets = list() for node in nodes: rel_pos = node.position - self._bounding_rect.position new_pos = self._bounding_rect.position + rel_pos.elem_mul(ratio) offsets.append(new_pos - node.position) node.position = new_pos node.size = node.size.elem_mul(ratio) # clamp so that nodes are always within compartment/bounds node.position = clamp_rect_pos(node.rect, bounds) idx_list = list(self._selected_idx) post_event(DidMoveNodesEvent(idx_list, offsets, dragged=False)) post_event(DidResizeNodesEvent(idx_list, ratio=ratio, dragged=False)) for node in nodes: self.controller.move_node(self.net_index, node.index, node.position) self.controller.set_node_size(self.net_index, node.index, node.size) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, self.size_ctrl.GetId())
[docs] def OnNodeStatusChoice(self, evt): """Callback for the change node status, floating or boundary.""" selected = self.nodeStatusDropDown.GetSelection() if selected == 0: floatingStatus = True else: floatingStatus = False nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for node in nodes: self.controller.set_node_floating_status(self.net_index, node.index, floatingStatus) post_event(DidModifyNodesEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
[docs] def OnCompositeShapes(self, evt): selected = self.compositeShapesDropDown.GetStringSelection() nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): shapei = self.compShapeNames.index(selected) for node in nodes: self.controller.set_node_shape_index(self.net_index, node.index, shapei) post_event(DidModifyNodesEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) self._UpdatePrimitiveFields()
[docs] def OnNodeLockCheckBox(self, evt): """Callback for the change node status, floating or boundary.""" cb = evt.GetEventObject() if cb.GetValue(): nodeLocked = True else: nodeLocked = False nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for node in nodes: self.controller.set_node_locked_status(self.net_index, node.index, nodeLocked) post_event(DidModifyNodesEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
def _UpdatePrimitiveFields(self): sizer: wx.Sizer = self.GetSizer() sizerflags = wx.SizerFlags().Expand() self.Freeze() nodes = self.selected_nodes shape_names = set( for n in nodes) if self.last_prim_section is not None: sizer.Detach(self.last_prim_section) self.last_prim_section.Hide() if len(shape_names) == 1: shape_index = nodes[0].shape_index if shape_index in self.prim_section_cache: # already created form for this shape before; restore the cached one prim_section = self.prim_section_cache[shape_index] prim_section.Show() # self.AddChild(prim_section) sizer.Add(prim_section, sizerflags) else: # need to create new one assert nodes[0].composite_shape is not None prim_section = PrimitiveSection(self, nodes[0].composite_shape) sizer.Add(prim_section, sizerflags) self.prim_section_cache[shape_index] = prim_section self.last_prim_section = prim_section prim_section.UpdatePrimitiveValues() else: pass # don't need to do anything since this whole section is hidden # need to tell parent to adjust height as well self.GetParent().Layout() self.Thaw()
[docs] def UpdateAllFields(self): """Update the form field values based on current data.""" self.self_changes = False assert len(self._selected_idx) != 0 nodes = get_nodes_by_idx(self.all_nodes, self._selected_idx) prec = get_setting('decimal_precision') id_text: str floatingNode: bool lockNode: bool shape_name: str if not self.contiguous: self.pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('?') self.size_ctrl.ChangeValue('?') else: ChangePairValue(self.pos_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.position, prec) ChangePairValue(self.size_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.size, prec) if len(self._selected_idx) == 1: [node] = nodes self.id_ctrl.Enable(True) id_text = floatingNode = node.floatingNode lockNode = node.lockNode assert node.composite_shape is not None shape_name = else: self.id_ctrl.Enable(False) id_text = '; '.join(sorted(list( for n in nodes))) floatingNode = all(n.floatingNode for n in nodes) lockNode = all(n.lockNode for n in nodes) shape_name_set = set( for n in nodes) if len(shape_name_set) == 1: shape_name = next(iter(shape_name_set)) else: shape_name = '' self._UpdatePrimitiveFields() self.pos_ctrl.Enable(self.contiguous) self.size_ctrl.Enable(self.contiguous) self.id_ctrl.ChangeValue(id_text) if floatingNode: self.nodeStatusDropDown.SetSelection(0) else: self.nodeStatusDropDown.SetSelection(1) if lockNode: self.lockNodeCheckBox.SetValue(True) else: self.lockNodeCheckBox.SetValue(False) if shape_name: self.compositeShapesDropDown.SetStringSelection(shape_name) else: self.compositeShapesDropDown.SetSelection(wx.NOT_FOUND)
[docs]@dataclass class StoichInfo: """Helper class that stores node stoichiometry info for reaction form""" nodei: int stoich: float
'''Section for editing stoichiometry, includes only reactants or only products, so there are two of this.'''
[docs]class StoichSection(FieldGrid): def __init__(self, parent, form: 'ReactionForm', stoichs: List[StoichInfo], reai: int, is_reactants: bool): super().__init__(parent, form) self._reactant_subtitle = self.AppendSubtitle('Reactants' if is_reactants else 'Products') for stoich in stoichs: stoich_ctrl = self.CreateTextCtrl(value=no_rzeros(stoich.stoich, precision=2)) node_id = self.form.controller.get_node_id(self.form.net_index, stoich.nodei) self.AppendControl(node_id, stoich_ctrl) if is_reactants: inner_callback = self.MakeSetSrcStoichFunction(reai, stoich.nodei) else: inner_callback = self.MakeSetDestStoichFunction(reai, stoich.nodei) callback = self.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(stoich_ctrl.GetId(), inner_callback, (0, None), left_incl=False) stoich_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, callback)
[docs] def MakeSetSrcStoichFunction(self, reai: int, nodei: int): def ret(val: float): self.form.self_changes = True with self.form.controller.group_action(): self.form.controller.set_src_node_stoich(self.form.net_index, reai, nodei, val) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self.form.selected_idx))) return ret
[docs] def MakeSetDestStoichFunction(self, reai: int, nodei: int): def ret(val: float): with self.form.controller.group_action(): self.form.self_changes = True self.form.controller.set_dest_node_stoich(self.form.net_index, reai, nodei, val) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self.form.selected_idx))) return ret
[docs]class ReactionForm(EditPanelForm): def __init__(self, parent, canvas: Canvas, controller: IController): super().__init__(parent, canvas, controller) self.reactions = list() self.main_section = FieldGrid(self, self) self.sections = [self.main_section] self.CreateChildren()
[docs] def CreateControls(self): self.id_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.id_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnIdText) self.main_section.AppendControl('identifier', self.id_ctrl) self.ratelaw_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.ratelaw_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnRateLawText) self.main_section.AppendControl('rate law', self.ratelaw_ctrl) self.fill_ctrl, self.fill_alpha_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateColorControl( 'fill color', 'fill opacity', self._OnFillColorChanged, self._FillAlphaCallback) self.stroke_width_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() stroke_cb = self.main_section.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(self.stroke_width_ctrl.GetId(), self._StrokeWidthCallback, (0.1, 100)) self.stroke_width_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, stroke_cb) self.main_section.AppendControl('line width', self.stroke_width_ctrl) # Whether the center position should be autoly set? self.auto_center_ctrl = wx.CheckBox(self.main_section) self.auto_center_ctrl.SetValue(True) self.auto_center_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._AutoCenterCallback) self.main_section.AppendControl('auto center pos', self.auto_center_ctrl) self.center_pos_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.center_pos_ctrl.Disable() self.center_pos_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._CenterPosCallback) self.main_section.AppendControl('center position', self.center_pos_ctrl) self._reactant_subtitle = None self._product_subtitle = None self.reactant_stoich_ctrls = list() self.product_stoich_ctrls = list() states = ['bezier curve', 'straight line'] self.rxnStatusDropDown = wx.Choice(self.main_section, choices=states) self.main_section.AppendControl('reaction status', self.rxnStatusDropDown) self.rxnStatusDropDown.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnRxnStatusChoice) self.mod_tip_dropdown = wx.ComboBox( self.main_section, choices=[e.value for e in ModifierTipStyle], style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.main_section.AppendControl('modifier tip', self.mod_tip_dropdown) self.mod_tip_dropdown.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.ModifierTipCallback) self._modifiers = set() self.all_nodes = list() self.node_indices = set() self.modifiers_ctrl = wx.CheckListBox( self.main_section, style=wx.LB_NEEDED_SB, size=(-1, 100)) self.main_section.AppendControl('modifiers', self.modifiers_ctrl) self.modifiers_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX, self.OnModifierCheck) self.reactants_section = None self.products_section = None
def _OnIdText(self, evt): """Callback for the ID control.""" new_id = evt.GetString() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1, 'Reaction ID field should be disabled when ' + \ 'multiple are selected' [reai] = self._selected_idx ctrl_id = self.id_ctrl.GetId() if len(new_id) == 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "ID cannot be empty") return else: for rxn in self.reactions: if == new_id: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "Not saved: Duplicate ID") return # loop terminated fine. There is no duplicate ID self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): self.controller.rename_reaction(self.net_index, reai, new_id) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, ctrl_id) def _StrokeWidthCallback(self, width: float): reactions = [r for r in self.reactions if r.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for rxn in reactions: self.controller.set_reaction_line_thickness(self.net_index, rxn.index, width) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
[docs] def OnRxnStatusChoice(self, evt): """Callback for the change reaction status, bezier curve or straight line.""" selection = self.rxnStatusDropDown.GetSelection() # TODO this is hardcoded. If the text changes this wouldn't work if selection == 0: bezierCurves = True else: bezierCurves = False rxns = get_rxns_by_idx(self.reactions, self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for rxn in rxns: self.controller.set_reaction_bezier_curves(self.net_index, rxn.index, bezierCurves) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
[docs] def ModifierTipCallback(self, evt): """Callback for the change reaction status, bezier curve or straight line.""" status = self.mod_tip_dropdown.GetValue() entry: ModifierTipStyle for e in ModifierTipStyle: if e.value == status: entry = e break else: assert False, ('Unable to find corresponding enum entry to dropdown selection. ' + 'This is not supposed to happen.') rxns = get_rxns_by_idx(self.reactions, self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for rxn in rxns: self.controller.set_modifier_tip_style(self.net_index, rxn.index, entry) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
def _AutoCenterCallback(self, evt): checked = evt.GetInt() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1 prec = 2 reaction = self.canvas.reaction_idx_map[next(iter(self._selected_idx))] centroid_map = self.canvas.GetReactionCentroids(self.net_index) centroid = centroid_map[reaction.index] if checked: self.center_pos_ctrl.Disable() self.center_pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('') with self.controller.group_action(): self.controller.set_reaction_center(self.net_index, reaction.index, None) # Move centroid handle along if centroid changed. if reaction.center_pos is not None: offset = centroid - reaction.center_pos if offset != Vec2(): self.controller.set_center_handle( self.net_index, reaction.index, reaction.src_c_handle.tip + offset) self.center_pos_ctrl.Disable() else: self.center_pos_ctrl.Enable() self.center_pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('{}, {}'.format( no_rzeros(centroid.x, prec), no_rzeros(centroid.y, prec) )) self.controller.set_reaction_center(self.net_index, reaction.index, centroid) def _CenterPosCallback(self, evt): text = evt.GetString() xy = parse_num_pair(text) ctrl_id = self.center_pos_ctrl.GetId() if xy is None: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, 'Should be in the form "X, Y"') return pos = Vec2(xy) if pos.x < 0 or pos.y < 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState( False, ctrl_id, 'Position coordinates should be non-negative') return assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1 reaction = self.canvas.reaction_idx_map[next(iter(self._selected_idx))] if reaction.center_pos != pos: offset = pos - reaction.center_pos self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): self.controller.set_reaction_center(self.net_index, reaction.index, pos) post_event(DidMoveReactionCenterEvent(self.net_index, reaction.index, offset, False)) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, ctrl_id) def _OnFillColorChanged(self, fill: wx.Colour): """Callback for the fill color control.""" reactions = [r for r in self.reactions if r.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for rxn in reactions: if on_msw(): self.controller.set_reaction_fill_rgb(self.net_index, rxn.index, fill) else: # we can set both the RGB and the alpha at the same time self.controller.set_reaction_fill_rgb(self.net_index, rxn.index, fill) self.controller.set_reaction_fill_alpha(self.net_index, rxn.index, fill.Alpha()) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _FillAlphaCallback(self, alpha: float): """Callback for when the fill alpha changes.""" reactions = (r for r in self.reactions if r.index in self._selected_idx) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for rxn in reactions: self.controller.set_reaction_fill_alpha(self.net_index, rxn.index, int(alpha * 255)) post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _OnRateLawText(self, evt: wx.CommandEvent): ratelaw = evt.GetString() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1, 'Reaction rate law field should be disabled when ' + \ 'multiple are selected' [reai] = self._selected_idx self.self_changes = True post_event(DidModifyReactionEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) self.controller.set_reaction_ratelaw(self.net_index, reai, ratelaw)
[docs] def OnModifierCheck(self, evt: wx.CommandEvent): evt.Skip() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1 reactions = [r for r in self.reactions if r.index in self._selected_idx] assert len(reactions) == 1 reaction = reactions[0] new_modifiers = [self.all_nodes[i].index for i in self.modifiers_ctrl.GetCheckedItems()] self.controller.set_reaction_modifiers(self.net_index, reaction.index, new_modifiers)
[docs] def CanvasUpdated(self, reactions: List[Reaction], nodes: List[Node]): """Function called after the canvas has been updated.""" self.reactions = reactions self.all_nodes = nodes new_node_indices = set(n.index for n in nodes) # if new_node_indices != self.node_indices: self.node_indices = new_node_indices self._UpdateModifierList() self.ExternalUpdate()
[docs] def UpdateSelection(self, selected_idx: List[int]): """Function called after the list of selected reactions have been updated.""" self._selected_idx = selected_idx if len(self._selected_idx) != 0: title_label = 'Edit Reaction' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 \ else 'Edit Multiple Reactions' self._title.SetLabel(title_label) id_text = 'identifier' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'identifiers' self.main_section.labels[self.id_ctrl.GetId()].SetLabel(id_text) self.UpdateAllFields() self.ExternalUpdate()
def _UpdateModifierList(self): # NOTE if slightly better performance is wanted, we don't have to update this widget # immediately. Rather we can have a dirty flag and update only when displaying node_names = list() for n in self.all_nodes: name = if n.original_index != -1: name += ' (alias)' node_names.append(name) self.modifiers_ctrl.Set(node_names) self._UpdateModifierSelection() def _UpdateModifierSelection(self): checked_indices = set(i for i, n in enumerate(self.all_nodes) if n.index in self._modifiers) self.modifiers_ctrl.SetCheckedItems(checked_indices) def _UpdateStoichFields(self, reai: int, reactants: List[StoichInfo], products: List[StoichInfo]): sizer = self.GetSizer() sizerflags = wx.SizerFlags().Expand() self.Freeze() if self.reactants_section is not None: sizer.Detach(self.reactants_section) sizer.Detach(self.products_section) self.reactants_section.Destroy() self.products_section.Destroy() if len(reactants) != 0: assert len(products) != 0 self.reactants_section = StoichSection(self, self, reactants, reai, True) self.products_section = StoichSection(self, self, products, reai, False) sizer.Add(self.reactants_section, sizerflags) sizer.Add(self.products_section, sizerflags) else: self.reactants_section = None self.products_section = None # Both reactants and products are empty; don't add assert len(products) == 0 self.Layout() self.Thaw() def _GetSrcStoichs(self, reai: int): ids = self.controller.get_list_of_src_indices(self.net_index, reai) return [StoichInfo(id, self.controller.get_src_node_stoich(self.net_index, reai, id)) for id in ids] def _GetDestStoichs(self, reai: int): ids = self.controller.get_list_of_dest_indices(self.net_index, reai) return [StoichInfo(id, self.controller.get_dest_node_stoich(self.net_index, reai, id)) for id in ids]
[docs] def UpdateAllFields(self): """Update all reaction fields from current data.""" self.self_changes = False assert len(self._selected_idx) != 0 reactions = [r for r in self.reactions if r.index in self._selected_idx] id_text = '; '.join(sorted(list( for r in reactions))) fill: wx.Colour fill_alpha: Optional[int] ratelaw_text: str prec = get_setting('decimal_precision') if len(self._selected_idx) == 1: [reaction] = reactions reai = reaction.index self.id_ctrl.Enable() fill = reaction.fill_color fill_alpha = reaction.fill_color.Alpha() ratelaw_text = reaction.rate_law self.ratelaw_ctrl.Enable() self.auto_center_ctrl.Enable() auto_set = reaction.center_pos is None self.auto_center_ctrl.SetValue(auto_set) self.center_pos_ctrl.Enable(not auto_set) self._UpdateStoichFields(reai, self._GetSrcStoichs(reai), self._GetDestStoichs(reai)) self.modifiers_ctrl.Enable() self._modifiers = reaction.modifiers self._UpdateModifierSelection() else: self.id_ctrl.Disable() fill, fill_alpha = GetMultiColor(list(r.fill_color for r in reactions)) ratelaw_text = 'multiple' self.ratelaw_ctrl.Disable() self.auto_center_ctrl.Disable() self.center_pos_ctrl.Disable() self._UpdateStoichFields(0, [], []) self.modifiers_ctrl.Disable() self._modifiers = set() self._UpdateModifierSelection() bezierCurves = all(r.bezierCurves for r in reactions) mod_tip_style = GetMultiEnum( list(r.modifier_tip_style for r in reactions), ModifierTipStyle.CIRCLE) stroke_width = GetMultiFloatText(set(r.thickness for r in reactions), prec) self.id_ctrl.ChangeValue(id_text) self.fill_ctrl.SetColour(fill) self.ratelaw_ctrl.ChangeValue(ratelaw_text) self.stroke_width_ctrl.ChangeValue(stroke_width) self.mod_tip_dropdown.SetValue(mod_tip_style.value) if on_msw(): self.fill_alpha_ctrl.ChangeValue(AlphaToText(fill_alpha, prec)) # HMS Replaced stings with contants if bezierCurves: self.rxnStatusDropDown.SetSelection(0) else: self.rxnStatusDropDown.SetSelection(1)
[docs]class CompartmentForm(EditPanelForm): _compartments: List[Compartment] contiguous: bool def __init__(self, parent, canvas: Canvas, controller: IController): super().__init__(parent, canvas, controller) self.compartments = list() self.contiguous = True self.main_section = FieldGrid(self, self) self.sections = [self.main_section] self.CreateChildren()
[docs] def CreateControls(self): self.id_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.id_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnIdText) self.main_section.AppendControl('identifier', self.id_ctrl) self.pos_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.pos_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnPosText) self.main_section.AppendControl('position', self.pos_ctrl) self.size_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.size_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._OnSizeText) self.main_section.AppendControl('size', self.size_ctrl) self.volume_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.main_section.AppendControl('volume', self.volume_ctrl) volume_callback = self.main_section.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(self.volume_ctrl.GetId(), self._VolumeCallback, (0, None), left_incl=False) self.volume_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, volume_callback) self.fill_ctrl, self.fill_alpha_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateColorControl( 'fill color', 'fill opacity', self._OnFillColorChanged, self._FillAlphaCallback,) self.border_ctrl, self.border_alpha_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateColorControl( 'border color', 'border opacity', self._OnBorderColorChanged, self._BorderAlphaCallback) self.border_width_ctrl = self.main_section.CreateTextCtrl() self.main_section.AppendControl('border width', self.border_width_ctrl) border_callback = self.main_section.MakeFloatCtrlFunction(self.border_width_ctrl.GetId(), self._BorderWidthCallback, (1, 100)) self.border_width_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, border_callback)
def _OnIdText(self, evt): """Callback for the ID control.""" new_id = evt.GetString() assert len(self._selected_idx) == 1, 'Compartment ID field should be disabled when ' + \ 'multiple are selected' [compi] = self._selected_idx ctrl_id = self.id_ctrl.GetId() if len(new_id) == 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "ID cannot be empty") return else: for comp in self.compartments: if == new_id: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, "Not saved: Duplicate ID") return # loop terminated fine. There is no duplicate ID self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): self.controller.rename_compartment(self.net_index, compi, new_id) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, ctrl_id) def _OnPosText(self, evt): """Callback for the position control.""" assert self.contiguous text = evt.GetString() xy = parse_num_pair(text) ctrl_id = self.pos_ctrl.GetId() if xy is None: self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, 'Should be in the form "X, Y"') return pos = Vec2(xy) if pos.x < 0 or pos.y < 0: self.main_section.SetValidationState( False, ctrl_id, 'Position coordinates should be non-negative') return comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] bounds = Rect(Vec2(), self.canvas.realsize) clamped = clamp_rect_pos(Rect(pos, self._bounding_rect.size), bounds) if self._bounding_rect.position != pos or pos != clamped: offset = clamped - self._bounding_rect.position self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: comp.position += offset post_event(DidMoveCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx), offset, dragged=False)) for comp in comps: self.controller.move_node(self.net_index, comp.index, comp.position) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, self.pos_ctrl.GetId()) def _OnSizeText(self, evt): """Callback for the size control.""" ctrl_id = self.size_ctrl.GetId() text = evt.GetString() wh = parse_num_pair(text) if wh is None: self.main_section.SetValidationState( False, ctrl_id, 'Should be in the form "width, height"') return comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] size = Vec2(wh) _, comp_min_ratio = self.canvas.select_box.compute_min_ratio() assert comp_min_ratio is not None limit = self._bounding_rect.size.elem_mul(comp_min_ratio) if size.x < limit.x or size.y < limit.y: message = 'Size of {} needs to be at least ({}, {})'.format( 'bounding box' if len(comps) > 1 else 'compartment', no_rzeros(limit.x, 2), no_rzeros(limit.y, 2)) self.main_section.SetValidationState(False, ctrl_id, message) return clamped = clamp_rect_size(Rect(self._bounding_rect.position, size), self.canvas.realsize) if self._bounding_rect.size != clamped or size != clamped: ratio = clamped.elem_div(self._bounding_rect.size) self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): offsets = list() peripheral_nodes = list() peripheral_offsets = list() for comp in comps: rel_pos = comp.position - self._bounding_rect.position new_pos = self._bounding_rect.position + rel_pos.elem_mul(ratio) offsets.append(new_pos - comp.position) comp.position = new_pos comp.size = comp.size.elem_mul(ratio) pnodes = [self.canvas.node_idx_map[i] for i in comp.nodes] for node in pnodes: new_pos = clamp_rect_pos(node.rect, comp.rect) if new_pos != node.position: node.position = new_pos peripheral_nodes.append(node) peripheral_offsets.append(new_pos - node.position) idx_list = list(self._selected_idx) post_event(DidMoveCompartmentsEvent(idx_list, offsets, dragged=False)) post_event(DidResizeCompartmentsEvent(idx_list, ratio, dragged=False)) if len(peripheral_nodes) != 0: post_event(DidMoveNodesEvent(peripheral_nodes, peripheral_offsets, dragged=False)) for comp in comps: self.controller.move_compartment(self.net_index, comp.index, comp.position) self.controller.set_compartment_size(self.net_index, comp.index, comp.size) for node in peripheral_nodes: self.controller.move_node(self.net_index, node.index, node.position) self.main_section.SetValidationState(True, self.size_ctrl.GetId()) def _VolumeCallback(self, volume: float): """Callback for when the border width changes.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: self.controller.set_compartment_volume(self.net_index, comp.index, volume) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _OnFillColorChanged(self, fill: wx.Colour): """Callback for the fill color control.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: if on_msw(): fill = wx.Colour(fill.GetRGB()) # remove alpha channel self.controller.set_compartment_fill(self.net_index, comp.index, fill) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _OnBorderColorChanged(self, border: wx.Colour): """Callback for the border color control.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: if on_msw(): border = wx.Colour(border.GetRGB()) # remove alpha channel self.controller.set_compartment_border(self.net_index, comp.index, border) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _FillAlphaCallback(self, alpha: float): """Callback for when the fill alpha changes.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: new_fill = change_opacity(comp.fill, int(alpha * 255)) self.controller.set_compartment_fill(self.net_index, comp.index, new_fill) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _BorderAlphaCallback(self, alpha: float): """Callback for when the border alpha changes.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: new_border = change_opacity(comp.border, int(alpha * 255)) self.controller.set_compartment_border(self.net_index, comp.index, new_border) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx))) def _BorderWidthCallback(self, width: float): """Callback for when the border width changes.""" comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] self.self_changes = True with self.controller.group_action(): for comp in comps: self.controller.set_compartment_border_width(self.net_index, comp.index, width) post_event(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(list(self._selected_idx)))
[docs] def UpdateCompartments(self, comps: List[Compartment]): self.compartments = comps self._UpdateBoundingRect() self.ExternalUpdate()
[docs] def UpdateSelection(self, selected_idx: List[int], nodes_selected: bool): self._selected_idx = selected_idx if len(selected_idx) != 0: self._UpdateBoundingRect() self.contiguous = not nodes_selected if len(self._selected_idx) != 0: # clear position value # self.pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('') self.UpdateAllFields() title_label = 'Edit Compartment' if len( self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'Edit Multiple Compartments' self._title.SetLabel(title_label) id_text = 'identifier' if len(self._selected_idx) == 1 else 'identifiers' self.main_section.labels[self.id_ctrl.GetId()].SetLabel(id_text) self.ExternalUpdate()
[docs] def UpdateAllFields(self): self.self_changes = False comps = [c for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] assert len(comps) == len(self._selected_idx) prec = 2 id_text = '; '.join([ for c in comps]) fill: wx.Colour fill_alpha: Optional[int] border: wx.Colour self.pos_ctrl.Enable(self.contiguous) self.size_ctrl.Enable(self.contiguous) border_width = GetMultiFloatText(set(c.border_width for c in comps), prec) volume = GetMultiFloatText(set(c.volume for c in comps), prec) if not self.contiguous: self.pos_ctrl.ChangeValue('?') self.size_ctrl.ChangeValue('?') else: ChangePairValue(self.pos_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.position, prec) ChangePairValue(self.size_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.size, prec) if len(self._selected_idx) == 1: [comp] = comps self.id_ctrl.Enable() fill = comp.fill fill_alpha = comp.fill.Alpha() border = comp.border border_alpha = comp.border.Alpha() else: self.id_ctrl.Disable() fill, fill_alpha = GetMultiColor(list(c.fill for c in comps)) border, border_alpha = GetMultiColor(list(c.border for c in comps)) self.id_ctrl.ChangeValue(id_text) self.fill_ctrl.SetColour(fill) self.border_ctrl.SetColour(border) self.volume_ctrl.ChangeValue(volume) # set fill alpha if on windows if on_msw(): self.fill_alpha_ctrl.ChangeValue(AlphaToText(fill_alpha, prec)) self.border_alpha_ctrl.ChangeValue(AlphaToText(border_alpha, prec)) self.border_width_ctrl.ChangeValue(border_width)
[docs] def CompsMovedOrResized(self, evt): """Called when nodes are moved or resized by dragging""" if not evt.dragged: return self._UpdateBoundingRect() prec = 2 ChangePairValue(self.pos_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.position, prec) ChangePairValue(self.size_ctrl, self._bounding_rect.size, prec)
def _UpdateBoundingRect(self): """Update bounding rectangle; mixed indicates whether both nodes and comps are selected. """ rects = [c.rect for c in self.compartments if c.index in self._selected_idx] # It could be that compartments have been updated but selected indices have not. # In that case rects can be empty if len(rects) != 0: self._bounding_rect = get_bounding_rect(rects)