Source code for rkviewer.plugin.classes

The plugin base classes that the user should subclass from when creating plugins.

import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import List, Optional

import wx
from import Node
from rkviewer.canvas.geometry import Vec2
from import (DidAddCompartmentEvent, DidAddNodeEvent,
                             DidCommitDragEvent, DidDeleteEvent,
                             DidModifyCompartmentsEvent, DidModifyNodesEvent,
                             DidModifyReactionEvent, DidMoveBezierHandleEvent,
                             DidMoveCompartmentsEvent, DidMoveNodesEvent,
                             DidPaintCanvasEvent, DidRedoEvent,
                             DidResizeCompartmentsEvent, DidResizeNodesEvent,
                             DidUndoEvent, SelectionDidUpdateEvent)

[docs]class PluginCategory(Enum): """The category of a plugin. Determines in which tab the plugin is placed on the toolbar.""" # MAIN = 0 ANALYSIS = auto() APPEARANCE = auto() MATH = auto() MODELS = auto() UTILITIES = auto() VISUALIZATION = auto() MISC = auto()
CATEGORY_NAMES = { PluginCategory.ANALYSIS: 'Analysis', PluginCategory.APPEARANCE: 'Appearance', PluginCategory.MATH: 'Math', PluginCategory.MODELS: 'Models', PluginCategory.UTILITIES: 'Utilities', PluginCategory.VISUALIZATION: 'Visualization', PluginCategory.MISC: 'Misc', }
[docs]@dataclass class PluginMetadata: """ Metadata for the plugin. Attributes: name: The full name of the plugin. author: The author of the plugin. version: The version string of the plugin. short_desc: A short description of the plugin. This is displayed as a tooltip, introduction, etc. long_desc: A long, detailed description of the plugin. This is shown in the plugin details page, as a comprehensive description of what this plugin does. This string will be rendered as HTML. category: The category of the plugin. short_name: If specified, the abbreviated name for situations where the width is small (e.g. the toolbar). icon: The bitmap for the plugin's icon. Leave as None for a generic default icon. """ name: str author: str version: str short_desc: str long_desc: str category: PluginCategory short_name: Optional[str] = None icon: Optional[wx.Bitmap] = None
[docs]class PluginType(Enum): """ Enumeration of plugin types, dictating how a plugin would appear in the application. NULL: Null enumeration. There should not be a plugin instance with this type. COMMAND: A command plugin. See CommandPlugin for more details. WINDOWED: A windowed plugin. See WindowedPlugin for more details. """ NULL = 0 COMMAND = 1 WINDOWED = 2
[docs]class Plugin: """ The base class for a Plugin. The user should not directly instantiate this but rather one of its subclasses, e.g. CommandPlugin. """ metadata: PluginMetadata ptype: PluginType def __init__(self, ptype: PluginType): """ Creating a Plugin object. Args: self (self): Plugin you are creating. metadata (PluginMetadata): metadata information of plugin. ptype (PluginType): defines the type of plugin to create. """ self.ptype = ptype
[docs] def get_settings_schema(self): """Return the setting schema for this plugin. TODO document """ return None
[docs] def on_did_add_node(self, evt: DidAddNodeEvent): """Called after a node is added.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_move_nodes(self, evt: DidMoveNodesEvent): """Called as nodes are moved. Note: This is called many times, continuously as the ndoes are being moved. Therefore, you should not call any API functions that would modify the state of the model (including api.group_action()), as otherwise you would have registered hundreds of actions in the undo/redo stack. """ pass
[docs] def on_did_resize_nodes(self, evt: DidResizeNodesEvent): """Called after nodes are resized.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_add_compartment(self, evt: DidAddCompartmentEvent): """Called after a compartment is added.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_resize_compartments(self, evt: DidResizeCompartmentsEvent): """Called after compartments are resized.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_move_compartments(self, evt: DidMoveCompartmentsEvent): """Called as compartments are moved. Note: See on_did_move_nodes() for cautious notes on usage. """ pass
[docs] def on_did_add_reaction(self, evt: DidAddReactionEvent): """Called after a reaction is added.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_undo(self, evt: DidUndoEvent): """Called after an undo operation is performed.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_redo(self, evt: DidRedoEvent): """Called after an redo operation is performed.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_delete(self, evt: DidDeleteEvent): """Called after items (nodes, reactions, and/or compartments) are deleted.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_commit_drag(self, evt: DidCommitDragEvent): """Called after a dragging operation has been committed to the model.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_paint_canvas(self, evt: DidPaintCanvasEvent): """Called each time the canvas is painted.""" pass
[docs] def on_selection_did_change(self, evt: SelectionDidUpdateEvent): """Called after the set of selected items have changed.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_move_bezier_handle(self, evt: DidMoveBezierHandleEvent): """Called as the Bezier handles are being moved. Note: See on_did_move_nodes() for cautious notes on usage. """ pass
[docs] def on_did_modify_nodes(self, evt: DidModifyNodesEvent): """Called after properties of nodes (other than position/size) have been modified""" pass
[docs] def on_did_modify_reactions(self, evt: DidModifyReactionEvent): """Called after properties of reactions have been modified.""" pass
[docs] def on_did_modify_compartments(self, evt: DidModifyCompartmentsEvent): """Called after properties of compartments (other than position/size) have been modified""" pass
[docs] def on_did_change_compartment_of_nodes(self, evt: DidChangeCompartmentOfNodesEvent): """Called after the compartment that some nodes are in has changed.""" pass
[docs]class CommandPlugin(Plugin, abc.ABC): """Base class for simple plugins that is essentially one single command. One may think of a CommandPlugin as (obviously) a command, or a sort of macro in the simpler cases. The user may invoke the command defined when they click on the associated menu item under the "Plugins" menu, or they may be able to use a keybaord shortcut, once that is implemented. To subclass CommandPlugin one needs to override `run()`. Attributes: metadata (PluginMetadata): metadata information of plugin. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(PluginType.COMMAND)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): """Called when the user invokes this command manually. This should implement whatever action/macro that this Plugin claims to execute. """ pass
[docs]class WindowedPlugin(Plugin, abc.ABC): """Base class for plugins with an associated popup window. When the user clicks the menu item of this plugin under the "Plugins" menu, a popup dialog is created, which may display data, and which the user may interact with. This type of plugin is suitable to more complex or visually-based plugins, such as that utilizing a chart or an interactive form. To implement a subclass of WindowedPlugin, one needs to override the method `create_window`. Attributes: dialog: The popup dialog window that this plugin is in. metadata: metadata information of plugin. """ dialog: Optional[wx.Dialog] def __init__(self): super().__init__(PluginType.WINDOWED) self.dialog = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_window(self, dialog: wx.Window) -> wx.Window: """Called when the user requests a dialog window from the plugin. For one overriding this method, they should either create or reuse a `wx.Window` instance to display in a dialog. One likely wants to bind events to the controls inside the returned `wx.Window` to capture user input. """ pass
[docs] def on_did_create_dialog(self): """Called after the parent dialog has been created and initialized. Here you may change the position, style, etc. of the dialog by accessing the `self.dialog` member. """ pass
[docs] def on_will_close_window(self, evt): """TODO not implemented""" evt.Skip()
[docs] def on_did_focus(self): """TODO not implemented""" pass
[docs] def on_did_unfocus(self): """TODO not implemented""" pass