Source code for rkviewer.plugin_manage

"""Classes for managing plugins for Canvas.

Note: This file imports stuff from rkviewer.plugin.classes, but usually rkviewer.plugin imports from
rkviewer. Beware of circular dependency.
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
from collections import defaultdict
import importlib.util
import inspect
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
from marshmallow.schema import Schema
import logging
import inspect
import traceback

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import wx
from rkviewer.plugin.classes import CommandPlugin, Plugin, PluginCategory, PluginType, WindowedPlugin
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from wx.html import HtmlWindow

from rkviewer.config import add_plugin_schema
from import (CanvasEvent, DidAddCompartmentEvent,
                             DidAddNodeEvent, DidAddReactionEvent, DidChangeCompartmentOfNodesEvent,
                             DidCommitDragEvent, DidDeleteEvent,
                             DidModifyCompartmentsEvent, DidModifyNodesEvent,
                             DidModifyReactionEvent, DidMoveBezierHandleEvent,
                             DidMoveNodesEvent, DidPaintCanvasEvent,
                             DidRedoEvent, DidResizeCompartmentsEvent,
                             DidResizeNodesEvent, DidUndoEvent,
                             SelectionDidUpdateEvent, bind_handler)
from rkviewer.mvc import IController

[docs]class PluginManager: plugins: List[Plugin] callbacks: Dict[Plugin, Callable[[], None]] def __init__(self, parent_window: wx.Window, controller: IController): self.plugins = list() self.callbacks = dict() self.parent_window = parent_window self.controller = controller bind_handler(DidAddNodeEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_add_node')) bind_handler(DidMoveNodesEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_move_nodes')) bind_handler(DidResizeNodesEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_resize_nodes')) bind_handler(DidAddCompartmentEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_add_compartment')) bind_handler(DidResizeCompartmentsEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_resize_compartments')) bind_handler(DidAddReactionEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_add_reaction')) bind_handler(DidUndoEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_undo')) bind_handler(DidRedoEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_redo')) bind_handler(DidDeleteEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_delete')) bind_handler(DidCommitDragEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_commit_drag')) bind_handler(DidPaintCanvasEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_paint_canvas')) bind_handler(SelectionDidUpdateEvent, self.make_notify('on_selection_did_change')) bind_handler(DidMoveBezierHandleEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_move_bezier_handle')) bind_handler(DidModifyNodesEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_modify_nodes')) bind_handler(DidModifyReactionEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_modify_reactions')) bind_handler(DidModifyCompartmentsEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_modify_compartments')) bind_handler(DidChangeCompartmentOfNodesEvent, self.make_notify('on_did_change_compartment_of_nodes')) self.logger = logging.getLogger('plugin-manager') self.error_callback = lambda _: None # By default don't do anything
[docs] def bind_error_callback(self, callback): """Bind a dialog callback for when there is an error. If an error occurs before such a callback is bound, it is only logged. """ self.error_callback = callback
# Also TODO might want a more sophisticated file system structure, including data storage and # temp folder
[docs] def load_from(self, dir_path: str) -> bool: """Load plugins from the given directory. Returns False if the dir does not exist. """ if not os.path.exists(dir_path): return False plugin_classes = list() for f in os.listdir(dir_path): if not f.endswith('.py'): continue mod_name = '_rkviewer.plugin_{}'.format(f[:-2]) # remove extension spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(mod_name, os.path.join(dir_path, f)) assert spec is not None mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) assert spec.loader is not None loader = cast(, spec.loader) try: loader.exec_module(mod) except Exception as e: except_str = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)) errmsg = "Failed to load plugin '{}':\n{}".format(f, except_str) self.logger.error(errmsg) self.error_callback(errmsg) continue def pred(o): return o.__module__ == mod_name and issubclass(o, Plugin) def wrap_exception(pname, method): def ret(*args, **kwargs): try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: errmsg = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)) errmsg = "Caught error in plugin '{}':\n".format(pname) + errmsg self.logger.error(errmsg) self.error_callback(errmsg) return ret cur_classes = [m[1] for m in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass) if pred(m[1])] for cls in cur_classes: if inspect.isabstract(cls): logging.warning("Plugin in file '{}' is an abstract class. Did not load.".format(f)) continue if not hasattr(cls, 'metadata'): logging.warning("Plugin in file '{}' does not have a `metadata` class attribute. " "Did not load. See plugin documentation for more information.".format(f)) continue for method_name, method in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isroutine): setattr(cls, method_name, wrap_exception(, method)) plugin_classes.append(cls) logging.getLogger('plugin').info("Found {} valid plugins in '{}'. Loading plugins...".format( len(plugin_classes), dir_path)) self.plugins = list() for cls in plugin_classes: try: plugin = cls() if not hasattr(plugin, 'ptype'): logging.warning("Plugin '{}' has no `ptype` attribute. Did not load. " "Did you forget to call `super().__init__()`?".format( continue self.plugins.append(cls()) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error when creating plugin object: {}'.format(e)) # Duplicate names if len(set( for p in self.plugins)) < len(self.plugins): pass # TODO fail when there is duplicate name. # Create and register callbacks for plugin in self.plugins: callback: Callable[[], None] if plugin.ptype == PluginType.COMMAND: plugin = cast(CommandPlugin, plugin) callback = self.make_command_callback(plugin) else: plugin = cast(WindowedPlugin, plugin) callback = self.make_windowed_callback(plugin, self.parent_window) self.callbacks[plugin] = callback # load schema for plugin in self.plugins: schema = plugin.get_settings_schema() if isinstance(schema, Schema): add_plugin_schema(, schema) return True
[docs] def make_notify(self, handler_name: str): """Make event notification function for plugin. handler_name should be the name of a method defined by Plugin. This would then create a callback function that goes over each plugin and call that function. This callback should be bound to its associated event. The handler function is called with the event itself as argument. """ assert callable(getattr(Plugin, handler_name, None)), "{} is not a method defined by \ Plugin!".format(handler_name) def ret(evt: CanvasEvent): for plugin in self.plugins: getattr(plugin, handler_name)(evt) return ret
[docs] def register_menu(self, menu: wx.Menu): def _get_callback(plugin): return lambda _: self.callbacks[plugin]() sorted_plugins = sorted(self.plugins, key=lambda p: for plugin in sorted_plugins: item = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, menu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, _get_callback(plugin), item)
[docs] def make_command_callback(self, command: CommandPlugin) -> Callable[[], None]: def command_cb(): with self.controller.group_action(): return command_cb
[docs] def make_windowed_callback(self, windowed: WindowedPlugin, parent: wx.Window) -> Callable[[], None]: title = dialog_exists = False dialog: Optional[wx.Window] = None def windowed_cb(): nonlocal dialog_exists, dialog if not dialog_exists: dialog = wx.Dialog(parent, title=title) dialog_exists = True window = windowed.create_window(dialog) if window is None or not isinstance(window, wx.Window): raise ValueError('create_window() of plugin {} did not return wx.Window ' 'type!'.format( windowed.dialog = dialog # Set the related dialog sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(window) dialog.SetSize(window.GetSize()) dialog.SetSizer(sizer) dialog.Centre() windowed.on_did_create_dialog() dialog.Show() def close_cb(e): nonlocal dialog_exists windowed.on_will_close_window(e) dialog_exists = False dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, close_cb) else: assert dialog is not None dialog.SetFocus() return windowed_cb
[docs] def create_dialog(self, parent): return PluginDialog(parent, self.plugins)
[docs] def get_plugins_by_category(self) -> Dict[PluginCategory, List[Tuple[str, Callable[[], None], Optional[wx.Bitmap]]]]: """Returns a dictionary that maps each category to the list of plugins. Each plugin in the lists is a tuple (short_name, bitmap, callback). The """ ret = defaultdict(list) for plugin in self.plugins: sname = plugin.metadata.short_name if plugin.metadata.short_name else assert isinstance(plugin.metadata.category, PluginCategory) ret[plugin.metadata.category].append( (sname, self.callbacks[plugin], plugin.metadata.icon)) return ret
[docs]class PluginDialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, plugins: List[Plugin]): super().__init__(parent, title='Manage Plugins', size=(900, 550)) notebook = wx.Listbook(self, style=wx.LB_LEFT) notebook.GetListView().SetFont(wx.Font(wx.FontInfo(10))) notebook.GetListView().SetColumnWidth(0, 100) sizer = wx.BoxSizer() sizer.Add(notebook, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) for plugin in plugins: page = PluginPage(notebook, plugin) notebook.AddPage(page, self.SetSizer(sizer)
[docs]class PluginPage(HtmlWindow): def __init__(self, parent: wx.Window, plugin: Plugin): super().__init__(parent) html = ''' <h3>{name}</h3> <div>{author}|v{version}</div> <hr/> <div> {description} </div> '''.format(, version=plugin.metadata.version,, description=plugin.metadata.long_desc, ) self.SetPage(html) # inherit parent background color for better look self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.GetBackgroundColour())