Quick Start


Running locally:

  • If you have pipenv, run pipenv install and then python main.py.

  • If not, you may use pip with requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt. They are generated from the Pipfile and may not be up-to-date though, so check the commit history to make sure.

Building an Executable with Pyinstaller:

  • Always run pyinstaller rkviewer.spec when rkviewer.spec is present.

  • If somehow rkviewer.spec went missing or you want to regenerate the build specs, run pyinstaller -F --windowed --add-data ext/Iodine.dll;. main.py on Windows or pyinstaller -F -- windowed --add-data ext/Iodine.dll:. main.py on Linux/Mac to generate a file named main.spec. Note that if a main.spec file is already present it will be overwritten.


The python version used is 3.7.7.

Mac Notes:

  • pyinstaller and wxPython require a python built with enable-framework on. Therefore, one should do env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.7.7 and use that Python installation for building.

  • If the text is blurry in the app bundled by pyinstaller, one needs to add an entry in the pyinstaller settings as described in https://stackoverflow.com/a/40676321 .

Linux Notes:

  • To install wxPython on linux, see https://wxpython.org/blog/2017-08-17-builds-for-linux-with-pip/index.html. requirements-dev.txt and requirements.txt assume the user is on Ubuntu 18.04 for readthedocs. If you have a different distro and have trouble using requirements.txt, just install wxPython manually using the previous link.

  • Related to the last note, if readthedocs start having trouble building wxPython, understand that it might be because readthedocs updated its distro from Ubuntu 18.04. Go to requirements-dev.txt and change the line above wxPython to look in the appropriate link.